Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trackable QR Codes Help Generate ROI on QR Code Campaigns

If you haven't buzzed around to  then I suggest you do. Interested in running an in-store or in-restaurant QR campaign? Find out how many times your code was scanned and when. Tie it to Foursquare, Facebook, and Twitter as well as your web page. Social networking never looked so good.

Here are a few ideas:
1. Scan for a 10% discount coupon
2. Scan for a free dessert
3. Scan for a free gift
4. Scan for a chance to win a free dinner
5. Scan for a chance to win a $200.00 shopping spree.

And many many more.

Call today and let us show you how to tie it all together. We make sense out of all the confusion.
Call 309-310-7245

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Message is the Message - Dos and Don'ts of Digital Signage

We see a bright shiny sign and instantly look at it. It changes right before our eyes...very cool! We might even touch it and interact with it. Even cooler!

But, for those of us in the electronic communications biz, the technologies we have available to deploy these solutions for our customers are as diverse in cost and complexity as the messages our clients want to get across.

If your clients are asking you for digital signage, be sure you know what they, and you, are talking about.

Do sit down and evaluate their existing signage and traditional communications strategy.
Don't start selling them on all the new gadgets.

Do spend some time educating your clients about the options for replacing or adding to their strategies and what it should deliver in terms of things like employee retention, satisfaction, loyalty, morale, customer service, and the bottom line in reductions in returns, increases in value-added sales, and in more sales during new campaigns.
Don't make wild promises. Adding digital signage is just part of an overall change in culture. Be sure that you lay out what's required of everyone in order for it to be a success.

Do see the "FUN" in visual communications. Signage can open new doors for engagement, competitions, contests, karaoke, and social networking.
Don't just set it and leave it. Messages need to be dynamic and change often.

Do be prepared to produce all the graphics and videos.
Don't assume your client will have the skills to produce their own.