Friday, July 30, 2021

Let's get serious!

Hi folks. You might know me as the guy who consults and posts jobs for VerTek LLC, but I am also the guy who has his own company, teachITnow, Inc. that developed training tools for you through my work at NCTI, SCTE, TCI, Anixter, Charter, Comcast, and Cox.  

I'm an old cable dawg. I cut my teeth in 1983 figuring out how to run a T1 over a Midsplit B-Plant in Rockford, IL. Lots of people mentored me, and I got bit by the cable bug back then. It crawled into my DNA. I was on the board of my local SCTE chapter for 17 years. 

Now, at 68 years old, I have something to say. Some of you think I'm an effing idiot, and you might be right. But seriously, I am PISSED. I am pissed that the contractors don't get appreciated for being the ESSENTIAL WORKERS they really are; dedicated, hot and sweaty, freezing cold, doing dangerous work for people to watch TV, talk on the phone, and play Fortnight. 

And, I am pissed that there are too many unethical and dishonest contractors out there who give the good ones a bad reputation.

I know why I am pissed but I want to hear it from you. 

Remember I am asking for myself and not VerTek, or SCTE, or Charter, etc. I will not share your comments such that they could identify you. Here's a survey form that is TOTALLY ANONYMOUS (no names or emails or phone numbers collected).

It's OK to be suspicious, and I expect some of you will get nasty. I'm an adult, I can take it. 

So, please fill out this form HONESTLY. I'm the only one who will see it. 

State of The Cable Contractor Form - Totally anonymous and secure


Doug Marlowe, President

teachITnow, Inc.

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