Sunday, January 24, 2010

Big Changes for 2010

  1. The challenge of 3D. What does this mean for cable TV and satellite? Is there enough bandwidth? Will this benefit Verizon (FiOS) over copper?
  2. Microsoft Office 2010. Just when you thought it was safe to use Word, here comes a MAJOR shift in the office suite we all love and hate. Is Google Docs a real threat to Office?
  3. Adobe Creative Suite CS5. Do away with all those plug ins and think - "They finally got it!" We'll see a lot more user-friendly WOW-factor stuff built right in to Photoshop, Flash, and Dreamweaver.
  4. e-Learning struggles for true acceptance. With drop-out rates still high across the board, will e-Learning ever win the hearts and minds of the masses? What has to change? Is it Management or Development that doesn't understand the mind of the user?